
Grad Requirements

Graduation Requirements

High School Graduation Options

There are three ways a student can complete high school (Alberta Graduation Requirements).

  1. High School Diploma

The requirements indicated are the minimum requirements for a student to attain an Alberta High School Diploma.

The requirements for entry into post-secondary institutions and workplaces may require additional and/or specific courses.

100 credits including:

- English Language Arts 30 (ELA 30-1 or 30-2)

- Social Studies 30 (Social 30-1 or 30-2)

- Mathematics 20 (Math 20-1, 20-2 or 20-3)

- Science 20 (Science 20, Science 24, Biology 20, Chemistry 20 or Physics 20)

- Physical Education 10 (3 credits)

- Career and Life Management (CALM)


A minimum of 10 credits in any combination:

- Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses

- Fine Arts courses

- Second Languages courses

- Physical Education 20 and/or 30

- Knowledge and Employability courses

- Registered Apprenticeship Program courses

- Locally developed courses in CTS, fine arts, second languages or Knowledge and Employability occupational courses

10 credits in any 30 level course (in addition to ELA 30 and Social 30)

These courses may include:

- 30-level locally developed courses

- Advanced level (3000 series) in Career and Technology Studies courses

- 30-level Work Experience courses

- 30-level Knowledge and Employability courses

- 30-level Registered Apprenticeship Program courses

- 30-level Green Certificate Specialization courses

- Special Projects 30

2. Certificate of Achievement

Students who are enrolled in Knowledge and Employability courses and who satisfy the minimum requirements will be awarded a Certificate of High School Achievement.

The requirements for entry into post-secondary institutions and workplaces may require additional and/or specific courses.

80 credits including:

- English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4

- Mathematics10-3 or 20-4

- Science 14 or 20-4

- Social Studies 10-2 OR 20-4

- Physical Education 10 (3 credits)

- Career and Life Management (CALM)

5 credits in one of the following:

- 30-level Knowledge and Employability Workplace Practicum course

- 30-level Work Experience course

- 30-level Green Certificate course

- Special Projects 30

- 30-level Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) course

Grad 2025

 June 13, 2025 - Lacombe Memorial Center - Banquet 6:00 pm

Dear Student, Parents and/or Guardians:


The staff at the Lacombe Outreach School are excited that you are eligible to participate in the LOS Graduation 2025! You have worked hard to reach this milestone and we look forward to celebrating with you. 


Below are the important dates, times, and steps you need to follow to prepare for Graduation 2025:


Important Dates & Deadlines


Please confirm your participation with Mrs. Woodworth as soon as possible.

  • March 30 – Deadline to submit hoodie size
    Each student will receive a graduation hoodie as part of the $100 grad fee. Hoodies come in unisex and generic sizing, so please submit your size by the deadline. After March 30, we will select sizes for students who have not submitted their preferences.


  • May 16 – Deadline for slideshow submissions
    Please submit a baby photo (0-2 years) and your cap & gown photo for the graduation slideshow by May 16. You may provide a hard copy to Mrs. Woodworth to scan, or email the photos directly to


  • May 16 – Deadline to purchase banquet tickets ($50 per ticket)
    Each graduate receives one free banquet ticket. Additional tickets can be purchased from Mrs. Woodworth at the front office starting March 1. Each graduate can buy up to 7 additional tickets, making a total of 8 per table. Extra tickets may be available after families have had a chance to purchase their allotted tickets. Tickets will not be available after May 16.


  • June 13 – Graduation Ceremony at Lacombe Memorial Center
    Graduates should arrive at the Lacombe Memorial Center by 5:30 PM to find seats and direct their families to their tables for a 6:00 PM start. Grad gowns will be available for photos with family before the ceremony. Doors will open at 5:30 PM; please do not arrive earlier.

Additional Notes

  • The $100 grad fee must be paid before purchasing banquet tickets. This fee covers the hoodie, cap & tassel, and photo sitting fee. Fee is in the parent portal.
  • Students must be in good standing by May 23 in order to walk across the stage. Regular meetings with Mr. Reid/Mr. Coles are required to ensure success.

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you!




Deanna Woodworth