Options Classes

Foods Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these foods courses please reach out to Mrs. Parent and she can get you started.


FOD1010- Food Basics - Prerequisite for most foods courses.

FOD1020- Contemporary Baking

FOD1030- Snacks & Appetizers

FOD1040- Meal Planning

FOD1050- Fast & Convenient Food

FOD2060- Milk & Eggs

FOD2070- Soups & Sauces

FOD2100- Basic Meat Cookery

FOD2130- Vegetarian Cuisine

FOD3030- Creative Baking

Art Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of the Art courses please reach out to Mrs. Rowland and she can help you with getting started.


Art 10

Art 20

Art 30

Mechanics Cluster

If you are interested in any Mechanics courses please reach out to Mr. Shimp and he will get you started. 


MEC1010- Small Engines 1

MEC1040- Small Engines 2

MEC3010- Buying & Selling Autos

One Credit Courses

If you are interested in taking any of these one credit courses please reach out to teacher next to the name and they can get you started.

AGR3000- Agriculture Safety desmond.grabo@wolfcreek.ab.ca

HCS3000- Workplace Safety Systems desmond.grabo@wolfcreek.ab.ca

HCS3010- Workplace Safety Practices desmond.grabo@wolfcreek.ab.ca

INF1030- Intro to Google Docs scott.shimp@wolfcreek.ab.ca

INF1040- Intro to Google Sheets scott.shimp@wolfcreek.ab.ca

HSS1010- Health Service Foundations desmond.grabo@wolfcreek.ab.ca

CCS1080/2080- Volunteering desmond.grabo@wolfcreek.ab.ca

Coding 1-6- darcy.blum@wolfcreek.ab.ca



Psychology Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these Psychology courses please reach out to Mr. Shimp and he can get you started.


General Psychology 20

Personal Psychology 20

Abnormal Psychology 35

Tourism Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these Tourism courses please reach out to Mr. Reid and he can get you started.


TOU1010- Tourism Sector

TOU1020- Adventure & Ecotourism

TOU1030- Guest Services

TOU1040- Food & Beverage Industry


Wildlife Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these Wildlife courses please reach out to Mr. Prokopowich and he can get you started.


WLD1100- Outdoor Cooking Theory

WLD1130- Outdoor Survival Skills


Forensics Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these Forensics courses please reach out to Mr. Blum and he can get you started.


Forensics 25 (3 credits)

Forensics 35 (5 credits)

Photography Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these photography courses please reach out to Mr. Prokopowich and he can get you started.


COM1005- Introduction to Photography

COM1205- Visual Composition

COM1215- Exposure

Sociology Cluster

If you are interested in taking any of these Sociology courses please reach out to Mr. Blum and he can get you started.


General Sociology 20- 3 credits